With my install of bind 9.14 bindtools 9.16.0 was also installed.

This version is missing some (legacy) algorithms that I am still using on my 
system, specifically hmac-sha256

    dnssec-keygen [options] name

Version: 9.16.0
    name: owner of the key
    -a <algorithm>:
        RSASHA1 | NSEC3RSASHA1 |
        RSASHA256 | RSASHA512 |
        ECDSAP256SHA256 | ECDSAP384SHA384 |
        ED25519 | ED448 | DH
This is the only version of bind-tools in FreeBSD 12.1 AFAICT.

I need to generate hmac-sha256 for lets encrypt/dehydrated (at least that is 
what the documentation says).

dnssec-keygen -a HMAC-SHA512 -b 512 -n HOST -K <KEYPATH> _acme-challenge.<domain

"Are you pondering what I'm pondering?"
"I think so, Brain, but 'Snowball for Windows’?"

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