Hello -  I am running the Bind server

> named -v
BIND 9.11.2 <id:0a2b929>

under OpenSuSE Leap 15.0. In order to support other servers running on
the same system that my Bind server is running on I am trying to set up
3 views, one for the localhost, one for my internal network to use, and
one for the external Internet.  (yes this is also a gateway system with
2 NIC cards.) What I am having troubles with is getting the localhost
view to work properly. I have tried a number of ways to get this to work
and will show the apropos segment of my named.conf file below. 
Commented out sections show things I have tried already but rejected
because the results I get from queries, from other servers on this
gateway/localhost system, that are not what I want.  For example if I
use the definition in with localhost is defined, rather than,
I will get results that are defined by my internal view which is not
acceptable.  If I use instead, lookup query results from/for
the other servers running on my gateway/localhost fail completely with
no results returned.  I don't understand why fails, it seems
like this should be the proper way to limit the scope of localhost
queries so that they are answered by definitions defined in my
"localhost_resolver" view.  What am I missing? How to I set up the
"localhost_resolver" view so that it will answer queries from localhost
without falling through to my "internal" view?   (The keys are also
necessary to restrict certain types of queries but I tried not using
them and got the same inadequate responses to  queries from the localhost.)

I have also used dig to show exactly what view was answering queries
from localhost and it verified that the queries were indeed being
answered by my internal view when I used localhost in the match-clients
and match-destinations statements.  If necessary I can post other files,
such as the local_zones.conf or some of the domain definition files
themselves but will have to edit them to remove actual URLs and other
sensitive information.  I checked the log files also, after setting the
debug level to 10, and the Bind server reports no errors or warnings
when it is started up. Thanks for any help offered, and below is what I
think is the relevant part of my named.conf file.


> view "localhost_resolver"
> {
> //        match-clients           { ! key letsencrypt.; ! key
> rndc-key.; ! key letsencrypt_amcrest.; localhost; };
> //        match-destinations      { ! key letsencrypt.; ! key
> rndc-key.; ! key letsencrypt_amcrest.; localhost; };
>         match-clients           { ! key letsencrypt.; ! key rndc-key.;
> ! key letsencrypt_amcrest.;; };
>         match-destinations      { ! key letsencrypt.; ! key rndc-key.;
> ! key letsencrypt_amcrest.;; };
>         // match-clients           {; };
>         // match-destinations      {; };
>         recursion yes;
>         zone "." in {
>             type hint;
>             file "root.hint";
>         };
>     zone "localhost" in {
>         type master;
>         file "localhost.zone";
>         allow-update { none; };
>     };
>     zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" in {
>         type master;
>         file "127.0.0.zone";
>         allow-update { none; };
>     };
>         zone
> ""
> in {
>             type master;
>             file "127.0.0.zone";
>         };
>         include "/etc/named.d/local/local_zones.conf";
> };
> view "internal" { // What the home network will see
> //      match-clients      { ! key letsencrypt.; ! key rndc-key.; !
> key letsencrypt_amcrest.; localnets; localhost; };
> //      match-destinations { ! key letsencrypt.; ! key rndc-key.; !
> key letsencrypt_amcrest.; localnets; localhost; };
> //      match-clients      { ! key letsencrypt.; ! key rndc-key.; !
> key letsencrypt_amcrest.;;; };
> //      match-destinations { ! key letsencrypt.; ! key rndc-key.; !
> key letsencrypt_amcrest.;;; };
>       match-clients      { ! key letsencrypt.; ! key rndc-key.; ! key
> letsencrypt_amcrest.;; };
>       match-destinations { ! key letsencrypt.; ! key rndc-key.; ! key
> letsencrypt_amcrest.;; };
> //   match-clients      {; };
> //   match-destinations {; };
>    recursion yes;
>    zone "." in {
>        type hint;
>        file "root.hint";
>    };
>    include "/etc/named.d/internal/internal_zones.conf";
> };
> view "external" { // What the Internet will see
>    match-clients      { any; };
>    match-destinations { any; };
>    recursion no;
>    include "/etc/named.d/external/external_zones.conf";
> };


  --...  ...--  .----.  ...    -..  .    .--  .-  --...  .--.  -..-  .--     -- 
 .-  .-.  -.-. 

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