On 4/15/2020 3:09 AM, Klaus Darilion wrote:
> I do not complain about the version number, but of the name.
> And in my opinion it is not sane to call a service/package httpd if the name 
> of the software is Apache.

For me, adding the version number can make sense if there is an
intention to have both X and Y running on machines simultaneously.  Or
if there is a need / ability to choose one version with more than one
being provided by the distro.  Apache httpd 1 versus 2, was a real
choice not many years ago.  MySQL 5 versus 8 has a similar situation
now.  I'm sure I can point out others where the version number in the
service is a pathway to upgrades.

And with Apache HTTPD, you've picked a special naming case.  It is the
granddaddy of the entire Apache Software Foundation and has morphed from
being called just "Apache" to "Apache httpd".  Calling the service
apachehttpd might be good and differentiate it from the ~383 Apache
projects (https://projects.apache.org/) and other httpd daemons.   But
it's been just httpd in a lot of distros for over 20 years so a LOT of
historical convention here.

Unfortunately, the exact name is up to the distribution, not really the
project.  So this is really a discussion for an Ubuntu/Debian mailing
list, not this one. 



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