Am 02.05.20 um 09:00 schrieb Michael De Roover:
> That's actually my biggest concern with DoH, ISP blocking. It doesn't
> seem as obvious as it is with DoT, but deep packet inspection (DPI) is
> already a thing. Don't expect an ISP that wants to block DoT to not
> (want to) block DoH either. The crux of the problem at that point is not
> the technology, it is the ISP's incentives. If the ISP wants to block
> DoT for whatever reason, personally I'd consider it.. not exactly fine
> but at least their right to do so. That's their decision to make. 


that seems to be some US attitude, no wonder what happens there with
user attitudes like "but at least their right to do so"

the ISP by definition has exactly one right: get money for his service
which is described as "route and transfer every package, don't look at
it, don't mangle it, you have no business about the content of my traffic"
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