Completely aside from the topic at hand, I often like to think that after a few years I mastered something. System administration, electronics, programming, whatever has piqued my interest for several years already and got me to invest in it. It is never true. The first profession I pursued was system administration and Linux in general. Even today I still learn so much on the daily. Mastery? I may be experienced with Linux but mastery is still far ahead... It's quite interesting how deep the rabbit hole can go. What matters is how deep we want it to go I guess.

Crackerjack is an interesting name, if anything I'd just want it for shits and giggles :D

On 6/15/20 9:07 PM, Brett Delmage wrote:
After I feel I have mastered DNS and BIND after slaving over the docs and code for years (I'm not there yet, and I have not) how am I going to communicate this to people?

How will I be able to master anything technical anymore? Should I just stop trying? suggests that one could call one type of DNS server the "crackerjack" server instead. I guess that's an improvement over "cracked". "Ace" server is a suggested alternative too, and it's nicely terse.

Met vriendelijke groet / Best regards,
Michael De Roover
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