Hi list

Our BIND (9.16.4) is authoritative for zone "example.com". Now I need to forward a subzone "sub.example.com" to another nameserver instance on the same server, running for example under port 5353:

A few years ago, this topic was already discussed:

My BIND config looks like this:
================== SCHNIPP ==================
zone "example.com" {
        type master;
        file "master/example.com.hosts";
zone "sub.example.com" {
        type forward;
        forwarders { port 5353; };
        forward only;
================== SCHNAPP ==================

In the zonefile for "example.com" I have a delegation like this (as described in the post above):

sub.example.com.            IN      NS      subns.example.com.

So, the authoritative server understands not to be responsible for this zone and forwards the request to the other nameserver.

But: The zone-forwarding is only working, when I enable "recursion" on the authoritative server. Does this means, that zone-forwarding really requires recursion? Is there a better way with not enabling recursion (perhaps with views) to accomplish this?

Many thanks for any hints.

Kind regards,
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