On 23 Sep 2020, at 19:19, @lbutlr <krem...@kreme.com> wrote:
> named[652] malformed transaction: managed-keys.bind.jnl last serial 1204 != 
> transaction first serial 1159
> named[652] managed-keys-zone: keyfetch_done:dns_journal_write_transaction -> 
> unexpected error
> named[652] managed-keys-zone: error during managed-keys processing 
> (unexpected error): DNSSEC validation may be at risk

I tried various things to no avail, and finally rebooted the server last night. 
That seems to have cleared up whatever the issue was.

'Tell me, Sir Samuel, do you know the phrase "Quis custodiet ipsos
        custodes?"? (...) It means "Who guards the guards themselves?"
        (...) Who watches the Watch?' --Feet of Clay

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