On Thu 05/Nov/2020 12:59:37 +0100 Michael De Roover wrote:
On Thu, 2020-11-05 at 11:31 +0100, Alessandro Vesely wrote:
A good secondary offloads your server
noticeably, and keeps the domain alive in case of temporary failures.

AFAIK, authoritative slave servers are only used when the master is
confirmed to be down. Lookups take significantly longer in such cases
since for every request, the master will be asked first. This can take
between 2-4s. There are no performance benefits to running multiple
name servers as master-slave, though it's fairly easy and offers good
redundancy (a slow lookup is still better than no lookup).

IME, slave servers[*] are queried all the time, and since they have a better connection than I do, they reply faster.

A commercial
service will have to support zone transfer from your master, and said
master has to have that commercial service authorized to pull your


I haven't personally heard of such services, and would
probably just run another BIND box somewhere else (different hosting
provider or something like that).

It costs much more.


[*] Oops, *secondary* servers --they said not to use /slave/ since gone with the wind was censored, lest the DNS gets censored as well... Oh gosh!

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