
I'm using BIND as a caching resolver and also a authoritative DNS server for a '.home.arpa' local used domain;

I have two BINDs, one as a master and the other as a slave;
also two views are used, because there are some zones

e.g. 100.168.192.in-addr.arpa  or some public zones that a 'rewritten' to be solved by a local web server e.g.  msftncsi.com

they are only needed on one part of the LAN or are not wanted on the other part of the LAN

lets say the master has   2001:db8:0:0:0::10 and the slave has 2001:db8:0:0:0::1;

the named.conf looks like this:

acl part-common {         // this is the ACL for the common part, where some zones are not wanted   localhost;              // or shall this be at the other acl for special part?
  2001:db8:0:0:0::1;      // I thought this would be a good idea
  !2001:db8:0:0:0::/80;     // not for the special part, but there are the DNS-servers itself, that are common to the complete LAN

acl part-spcl {     // this is the ACL for special part of the lan, which has some extra zones, that are not wanted to be in the common part above;
  !2001:db8:0:0:0::1;   // the reason above
  2001:db8:0:0:0::/80;       // only the special part with some extra zones

acl slave-dns-ip {

masters dns-master { 2001:db8:0:0:0::10; };

view "commonpart" {
  match-clients { part-common; };
  include "lan.zones";

view "spclpart" {
  match-clients { part-spcl; };
  include "lan.zones";
  include "extra.zones";     // here are the extra zones

at the master the "lan.zones" looks like this:

zone "lan.home.arpa" IN {
        type master;
        notify yes;
        file "named.zone-lan.home.arpa";
        allow-transfer { slave-dns-ip; };
        allow-update { none; };

at the slave the "lan.zones" looks like this:

zone "lan.home.arpa" IN {
        type slave;
        masters { dns-master; };
        file "slaves/named.zone-lan.home.arpa";

and now the problem

when I modify 'named.zone-lan.home.arpa' and force the transfer to the slave - 'rndc reload', the test if this works, fails for clients from the special part explicitly asking the slave - why?

nslookup  www.lan.home.arpa    2001:db8:0:0:0::1
works only from clients not from the special part of the LAN,
even the zone is in both views ..., a complete restart of BIND resolves this, but this can't be, as this throws away the cached part in memory ...

nslookup  www.lan.home.arpa    2001:db8:0:0:0::10
this works from any client

how can I face this?

any hints/suggestions would be great;


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