
I think it is better to build your own image.

So then, in the build(bind.dockerfile) you can pass the arguments, like:


OR(maybe), you can put explicitly in the conf file(named.conf):

listen-on { none; };
listen-on-v6 { any; };


Em seg., 1 de fev. de 2021 às 12:29, Christian Link <
chris.link3...@gmail.com> escreveu:

> Hello everyone,
> I am using the BIND Docker image in a Docker Compose setup. In this setup
> I would like to disable ipv4 and start the named daemon with the option
> "-4".
> Normally you can do this via the file /etc/default/named (In the options
> variable). Unfortunately, this file is ignored. I also tried it with the
> "Environment" parameter in docker-compose.yml, but this does not work
> either.
> What possibility do I have to give options to the named daemon without
> redefining the start command completely (e.g. via "command")?
> This is my docker-compose.yml
> version: '3.8'
> services:
>   bind:
>     image: internetsystemsconsortium/bind9:9.16
>     container_name: bind
>     volumes:
>       - ./etc/bind:/etc/bind
>       - ./etc/default/named:/etc/default/named
>       - ./var/cache/bind:/var/cache/bind
>       - ./var/lib/bind:/var/lib/bind
>       - ./var/log:/var/log
>     ports:
>       - 53:53/udp
>       - 53:53/tcp
>       -
>     restart: always
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