Hi Havard,

thanks for your reply.

On Tue 09/Feb/2021 18:15:43 +0100 Havard Eidnes wrote:
is there a way to know that a query has already been tried a few
minutes ago, and failed?

 From whose perspective?

A well-behaved application could remember it asked the same query
a short while ago, of course, but that's up to the application.

For an application, caching queries feels like stealing the resolver's job.

Or is the perspective that of a recursive resolver?  As far as I
remember, BIND used as a recursive resolver will "cache" this
knowledge, but I'm not entirely certain for how long, since it
can't use the method from an NXDOMAIN reply which includes the
SOA record (and uses the re-purposed "minimum" field for the TTL
for the negative cache entry).

I too recall that NXDOMAIN can be cached for a while. I'd guess some kinds of failures are also cached.

It happens seldomly, but sometimes the DKIM mail filter gets a
SERVFAIL when it tries to authenticate an incoming message.
SERVFAIL occurs when DNSSEC check fails.

...or when none of the name servers for the containing zone
responds with an answer.  I.e. it's not *just* DNSSEC failure
which can trigger SERVFAIL.

Yes, of course. Yet, however sporadic, DNSSEC failure seems to be the most frequent case.

Trying again is useless, it has to be treated as a permanent

Well, now...  Basically nothing in the DNS is permanent, because
it is not completely static; hence most information in the DNS
has a TTL attached to it.  So the question then becomes how an
application, say a mail server should treat SERVFAIL.  It may
very well be that the "maximum retry time" of the mail server is
far longer than any of the TTLs for the pieces of DNS data that
you could not look up, so it may be appropriate to treat SERVFAIL
as a signal to "re-queue the message and try again in 30
minutes", so in essence converting SERVFAIL into a "temporary
failure" in the context of the mail server.

That's what I've been doing. For an incoming message, a temporary failure means replying a 4xx code. The sender keeps the message in its queue, and eventually gives up. Once upon a time, MTAs used to retry sending for five days. Nowadays, several servers don't let queued messages grow older than one day.

In the most severe case, a failed DKIM signature might entail a reject. So the best course of action seems to be to reserve temporary failures to this case.

Still, being able to differentiate a local network congestion from a remote bad configuration would help.


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