> Am 06.05.2021 um 18:41 schrieb Axel Rau <axel....@chaos1.de>:
> This NS has some other clients in the DMZ LAN, so I need Views.

With 2 views ddos trace looks much better:

17:40:21.483188 > [no udp cksum] 1+ RRSIG? 
pizzaseo.com.(30) (ttl 242, id 21165, len 58)
17:40:21.483470 > [udp sum ok] 1 Refused- 
q: RRSIG? pizzaseo.com. 0/0/0(30) (DF) (ttl 64, id 0, len 58)

Hopefully, they give up in some days, if there is no amplification any more.

I have now 2 views. All zones are in the internal view.
The (only) external zones in external view use in-view to reference them in 
internal view.
axfr seems to work,, notify still to be tested.

If someone wants to play with the staging server please:

        dig ANY chaos1.de. @ns3.lrau.net.

Any feedback welcome,
PGP-Key: CDE74120  ☀  computing @ chaos claudius

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