Thanks Tony!This is essentially what we do today.  In fact, I was ecstatic when 
acl's were finally able to be used for all address match-lists.However, (and I 
realize this not a common use case) with over 150,000 zones -- some in multiple 
views, with different sets of rules (e.g., allow-query, etc.).  Even with short 
3-5 character acl's, repeating them every few lines will make the file grow...a 
lot, and I expect to be at around 250,000 zones fairly soon.I understand I 
could play hide-the-body and stuff the acl's into include file(s), but this 
level of duplication has bothered me for a while I and was hoping for something 
a little more elegant.Having said this, your suggestion holds true and is 
-------- Original message --------> From: Tony Finch <>> You can 
sort of do what you want already, by defining> named ACLs. ACLs can refer to 
named ACLs: you can> include a named ACL or exclude it.Tony.-- 
f.anthony.n.finch  <> to the benefit of all
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