It shows 17 information with the last showing "using 1 UDP listener per interface" maybe it don't like my intel VLAN's?

On 18/06/2021 5:21 pm, Richard T.A. Neal wrote:

When you say “in Application logs show fine” – how far does named actually get (if at all)? For example whenever I (re)start the “ISC BIND” service on my Windows server I get **loads** of entries in the Application log, starting with these three:

starting BIND 9.16.18 (Stable Release) <id:1c027c4>

running on Windows 10 0 build 17763 1879 for x64

[it’s actually Windows Server being misdetected as Windows 10, but the build numbers are correct]

built with 'with-tools-version=15.0 with-platform-toolset=v141 with-platform-version=10.0.17763.0 with-vcredist=C:/Program\ Files\ (x86)/Microsoft\ Visual\ Studio/2017/BuildTools/VC/Redist/MSVC/14.16.27012/vcredist_x64.exe with-openssl=C:/OpenSSL with-libxml2=C:/libxml2 with-libuv=C:/libuv without-python with-system-tests x64'


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