[ Classification Level: GENERAL BUSINESS ]

That chapter doesn't show any PTR records, for the reverse zones of any
*public* address range, pointing back to a "localhost" name. It only shows
a PTR record in the reverse zone for the 127.0.0/24 private range, which is
what enables a reverse lookup for Your ISP isn't (or shouldn't
be) hosting reverse zones for any range under the 127/8 private block, on
your behalf. That's your responsibility; hence the term "private".

And, as Tony mentioned, these days it's highly questionable whether
"localhost" entries in *any* zone, forward or reverse, serve any useful
purpose, and may actually cause harm.

- Kevin

On Mon, Jun 21, 2021 at 12:48 PM <techli...@phpcoderusa.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> This book  :
> https://www.oreilly.com/library/view/dns-and-bind/0596100574/ch04.html
> says I should manage the localhost within my zone (SOA) and reverse
> lookup / PTR.
> I do not manage my revers lookup / PTR the IP owner does that.
> Any thoughts on managing the localhost within the zone file and PTR?
> Thanks!!
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