On 17.01.22 10:46, ONRUBIA AVILES Carlos (CCS/MST) wrote:
Maybe someone can help me with the following problem:

My name server is authoritative with the following domain "toto.be":
zone "toto.be." {
       type master;
       file "/etc/masterdns.db";

But I would like that a subdomain "titi.toto.be" is not searched in my 
masterdns.db file but via the normal process via internet.

I have tried to 2 solutions but it do not work:

 1.  Adding a forward for this subdomain:

zone "titi.toto.be." {
type forward;
forwarders {;;};     (ip's from dsn cache servers)
forward only;

 *   Seems not to work.  Not possible to add a subdomain forwarding?

it is possible, but will only work for recursive clients of your DNS server.

 1.  Using directly the cache servers as NS:

Cache.proximus.be.      IN    A
Cache.proximus.be.      IN    A
Titi.toto.be.                     IN    NS     cache.proximus.be.

this should work properly.

 *   Not always working as if "titi.toto.be" is not at this moment in the
   cache, the cache will answer SERVFAIL and not do the recursion.  (I
   guess the query via this method is done with flag "Recursion Desired"
   set to false)

this also requires forwarding to be allowed from your IP address on the
server you are querying.

but, any recursive server should be able to query your server for Titi.toto.be and then query or

So my question is: Is it possible to configure what I am trying to do?
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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