
it is even more complicated:

- Latest version of Deckard uses Linux network namespaces and thus makes BIND GL#2088 unnecessary - It does not work anyway because jemalloc library used by libfaketime breaks libfaketime library is used by Deckard for DNSSEC tests. See https://github.com/wolfcw/libfaketime/issues/130.

So for now you are out of luck.

Besides that other points raised by Ondrej below are valid.

Petr Špaček  @  Internet Systems Consortium

On 16. 02. 22 9:04, Ondřej Surý wrote:
Hi Sun,

this is impressive effort, but it has several known gotchas:

1. The `named` looks for real interfaces to listen too and it
     didn’t play well with Deckard in the past. I’ve been told
     that this is no longer a problem, but it could be something
     you should be aware of. See [GL #2088]

2. This is not an easy way to get a “street cred”. First of all,
     the Deckard tests needs to be tailored for a specific DNS
     daemon. Every DNS server has its quirks and this is definitely
     not something that you can take, run and fill issues “named
     failed <foo> Deckard test”. Every failure needs to be individually
     examined, debugged, explained and described. It might not be
     a bug, but just a difference in behavior.

3. Running Deckard as “one time thing” is not appealing at all.
     Any work in this area needs to integrate with the repository.
     Adding a GitLab CI job would be a bare minimum here.

4. Create an issue (I thought there’s already one as integrating
     Deckard has been on our TODO list for couple of years now),
     and track all the ideas and progress there.

GL #2088: https://gitlab.isc.org/isc-projects/bind9/-/issues/2088

Ondřej Surý (He/Him)

My working hours and your working hours may be different. Please do not feel 
obligated to reply outside your normal working hours.

On 16. 2. 2022, at 8:32, Sun Guonian via bind-users <bind-users@lists.isc.org> 


I notice that Deckard project can be used to test 
knot/knot-resolver/unbound/pdns except BIND.
And I try to write the configuration and template files for named, but it 
didn't work.

If BIND's implementation/configuration has any limitation to run with Deckard ?

Thanks in advance !

Best Regards,
SUN Guonian

Deckard's homepage on github.com is https://github.com/CZ-NIC/deckard
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