On 17.02.22 11:08, muhanad wrote:
Hello allI have a main domain (aa.example.com) that have hundereds of sub-domain ( bb.aa.example.com). I am setting a wildcard in the record file for the main domain so it forwards all subdomains to a number of addresses in a round-roben fashion( the record as follows "*  IN  A 192.168.1.x ) the issue I am facing is the wildcard forwards any subdomain regardless wether it is a true subdomain ( bb.aa.example.com ) or it is not a true subdomain ( xx.bb.aa.example.com )

These are subdomains too.
And this is how wildcards work, you can't change it.

If you don't like it, you'll have to list all records.
if there are the same records with multiple addresses, you can define

wildcard.example.com.   A
bb.aa.example.com.      CNAME   wildcard.example.com.
cc.aa.example.com.      CNAME   wildcard.example.com.


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