
Thanks for the hints!

It does indeed work with these settings.

The problem is also that google and quad9 and most of the rest of the internet 
seem to be able to resolve it.

While I investigated this issue, I came around a posting from one or two years 
ago where similar problems with Barclays were reported.

And now, because I already spent too much time on this, I did a little digging 
and found a few job descriptions on their site:


So, they use Infoblox and F5 - though I guess the problem is more with the 
firewall before these products…

Funnily enough, this problem was a reported to us by an entity (a subsidiary of 
our company) that uses Infoblox.

I’m half-tempted to contact them so they can contact Barclays - but likely 
neither side is going to bother - because „It works with Google-DNS“.

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