Dear Mark,

many thanks for your hint again.
 —-with-geoip=yes does not exist, but  --enable-geoip does.
Based on you suggestion I tested different possibilities, finally
did do the trick.

Kind regards


On 17.05.2022, at 02:58, Mark Andrews <<>> 

Did you try re-running configure with ‘--with-maxminddb=/usr’ and then 

What does 'named -V’ report when you do this?

again a missing /

  geoip-directory:      usr/share/GeoIP

--with-maxminddb is used to find the header (include) files, the library and 
the database.  These should all be relative to a common prefix which is what 
you specify.

You also missed the leading ‘/‘ on the path when you ran configure previously 
as it is not in the path reported below.  This all said you should be able just 
specify —-with-geoip=yes and configure will figure out the rest.

No, I didn’t. I gave an absolute path with a leading /
But -V didn’t show it.
As I said, „auto“ is the right option.


On 17 May 2022, at 06:09, MAYER Hans 
<<>> wrote:

Dear All,

I posted my question originally at GitLab issue area because I thought it’s 
maybe a bug. But it isn’t.

I compiled commit c77fcc61 (HEAD -> v9_18, origin/v9_18) with configure options
--enable-geoip  --with-maxminddb=/usr/share/GeoIP
when i run named -V there is:

default paths:
named configuration:  /usr/local/etc/named.conf
rndc configuration:   /usr/local/etc/rndc.conf
DNSSEC root key:      /usr/local/etc/bind.keys
nsupdate session key: /usr/local/var/run/named/session.key
named PID file:       /usr/local/var/run/named/
named lock file:      /usr/local/var/run/named/named.lock
geoip-directory:      usr/share/GeoIP/share/GeoIP

The geoip-directory is quite strange as it doesn't exist
OS is Debian 11.3 ( bullseye ) with latest patch level.
pkg libmaxminddb-dev and libmaxminddb0 are installed.

Mark was so nice and replied for this issue request.

"Use --with-maxminddb=/usr. share/GeoIP is appended to this configure argument. 
This is the same as libraries where /include and /lib are appended to the 
configure argument.“

If I understand correctly "--with-maxminddb" is a relative path and will be add 
to "--prefix" which is in my case /usr/local
To work well I should compile with option --with-maxminddb=GeoIP and I make a 
symbolic link from /usr/local/GeoIP to /usr/share/GeoIP

But when I run configure with --with-maxminddb=GeoIP the following „make“ 
terminates with an error:
../../libtool: line 7563: cd: GeoIP/lib: No such file or directory
libtool:   error: cannot determine absolute directory name of 'GeoIP/lib'

Which is also quite curios because below /usr/share/GeoIP there is no directory 
„lib“ but with --with-maxminddb=/usr/share/GeoIP it compiles well.

How to compile bind with the maxmind db located in /usr/share/GeoIP ?
Any help would be appreciated.

Kind regards


Ing. Dipl.-Ing. Hans Mayer
Systems Analyst
Network Unix Security Team (NUST)
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)

International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA)
Schlossplatz 1
A-2361 Laxenburg, Austria
Phone: +43 2236 807 Ext 215
Mobile: +43 676 83 807 215

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