Mirsad Goran Todorovac <mirsad.todoro...@alu.unizg.hr> writes:

> Apparently, APPARMOR denied opening of the journal file in
> /etc/bind/zones even when the directory hand bind group write 
> permissions.

Looking at the default policy in /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.named in the
Debian bind9 package, I see that /etc/bind/ only have read access:

  # /etc/bind should be read-only for bind
  # /var/lib/bind is for dynamically updated zone (and journal) files.
  # /var/cache/bind is for slave/stub data, since we're not the origin of it.
  # See /usr/share/doc/bind9/README.Debian.gz
  /etc/bind/** r,
  /var/lib/bind/** rw,
  /var/lib/bind/ rw,
  /var/cache/bind/** lrw,
  /var/cache/bind/ rw,

You can probably override this with a local policy, but I guess life is
easier if you just go with the flow.  If you really want to use
apparmor, that is...

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