Just my opinion.

Don't rate limit tcp.  The RRL feature in Bind only rate limits UDP.  UDP is connection-less and the source address can be forged, generating DDOS traffic to a 3rd party.

Proper DNS software will fall back to TCP.  Because TCP is connection based, much harder to forge source address.


On 8/3/22 08:30, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
Thanks.  I will look into this.

On 8/3/22 07:47, Victor Johansson via bind-users wrote:


I just want to add that there is a better way to do this in iptables with hashlimit. The normal rate limit in iptables is too crude.

Below is an example from the rate-limit-chain, to which you simply send all port 53 traffic from the INPUT chain (make sure to exclude though :) ).

-A INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 53 -j DNS-RATE-LIMIT
-A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 53 -j DNS-RATE-LIMIT

-A DNS-RATE-LIMIT -s -m comment --comment "Dont rate-limit localhost" -j RETURN -A DNS-RATE-LIMIT -m hashlimit --hashlimit-upto 100/sec --hashlimit-burst 300 --hashlimit-mode srcip --hashlimit-name DNS-drop --hashlimit-htable-expire 2000 -j ALLOW
-A DNS-RATE-LIMIT -m limit --limit 1/sec -j LOG --log-prefix "DNS-drop: "
-A DNS-RATE-LIMIT -m comment --comment "ansible[dns rate limiting]" -j DROP


On 8/2/22 23:16, Michael De Roover wrote:
For my servers I'm using iptables rules to achieve ratelimiting. They look as follows: -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 25 -m state --state NEW -m recent --update --seconds 600 --hitcount 4 --name DEFAULT --mask --rsource -j DROP -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 25 -m state --state NEW -m recent --set --name DEFAULT --mask --rsource

It should be fairly trivial to convert these to use UDP 53, and tweak the timings you want. These rules are intended to allow 4 connections (which normally should be entire SMTP transactions) every 10 minutes. Since I have 2 edge nodes with these rules, that is doubled to 8 connections total. If you're an authoritative name server only, realistically mostly recursors / caching servers would query your servers and not too often. You can easily restrict traffic here. If you're a recursor too, this becomes a bit more complicated.

Regarding the legitimate queries, it would be prudent to allow common recursors (Google, Cloudflare, Quad9 etc) to have exceptions to this rule. Just allow their IP addresses to send traffic either unrestricted, or using a more relaxed version of the above.


On Tue, 2022-08-02 at 16:02 -0400, Robert Moskowitz wrote:
Recently I have been having problems with my server not responding to my requests.  I thought it was all sorts of issues, but I finally looked at
the logs and:

Aug  2 15:47:19 onlo named[6155]: client @0xaa3cad80
(.): view external: query (cache) './A/IN' denied
Aug  2 15:47:19 onlo named[6155]: client @0xaa3cad80 (.): view external: query (cache) './A/IN' denied
Aug  2 15:47:19 onlo named[6155]: client @0xaa3cad80
(.): view external: query (cache) './A/IN' denied
Aug  2 15:47:19 onlo named[6155]: client @0xaa3cad80 (.): view external: query (cache) './A/IN' denied
Aug  2 15:47:19 onlo named[6155]: client @0xaa3cad80 (.): view external: query (cache) './A/IN' denied
Aug  2 15:47:19 onlo named[6155]: client @0xaa3cad80
(.): view external: query (cache) './A/IN' denied
Aug  2 15:47:49 onlo named[6155]: client @0xa9420720
(.): view external: query (cache) './A/IN' denied
Aug  2 15:47:50 onlo named[6155]: client @0xaa882dc8
(.): view external: query (cache) './A/IN' denied

grep -c denied messages

And that is just since Jul 31 3am.

This is fairly recent so I never looked into what I might do to protect against this.  I am the master for my domain, so I do need to allow for
legitimate queries.

Any best practices on this?

I am running bind 9.11.4


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