
I migrated a couple of zones from BIND 9.16.6 on SuSE to 9.16.27 on Debian and 
at the same time switched from auto-dnssec maintain to a dnssec-policy with 
RSASHA256 instead of RSASHA1 (actually, I first applied a policy matching the 
old keys and with unlimited lifetime to avoid confusing BIND).

Though it seems to take longer than expected to finish a key rollover, even 
taking into account propagation delay, TTLs, and retire-safety, the old keys 
were eventually removed from the first zone. One zone I'm still waiting for, 
and that rollover started Friday. One question: Is it necessary to use rndc 
dnssec -checkds or is that only meant as a backup, and named is supposed to 
query the parent for DS records automatically?

The last zone, milltime.se, has become stuck. sudo rndc dnssec -status reports 
that the old keys are removed from the zone and the new keys are omnipresent, 
but the log says "zone milltime.se/IN (signed): Key milltime.se/RSASHA1/22971 
missing or inactive and has no replacement: retaining signatures."

Never mind. I was too quick switching to NSEC3, which is incompatible with the 
old key. Switching back to NSEC allowed the rollover to complete. Still, 
shouldn't BIND have been able to figure this out on its own? It kept using 
NSEC because of the incompatible key, and it kept the incompatible key needed 
to verify the NSEC records. Catch-22? (Yes, I've read about the questionable 
merits of NSEC3.)

Magnus Holmgren, utvecklare
MILLNET AB, Datalinjen 1, 583 30 Linköping

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