On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 05:28:19PM +0200, Tom wrote:
> Using BIND-9.18.5 as a recursive server:
> What's the reason, that BIND answers with the additional section for the 
> the following query where for example Knot resolver and also PowerDNS 
> resolver doesn't add the additional section for the same query?
> [...]
> Any hints why BIND adds the additional section while other resolvers 
> doesn't? Is there an option in BIND to behave like Knot/PDNS?

The option is "minimal-responses".  If you set it to "yes", it will omit
authority and additional section data except when necessary.

The default is "no-auth-recursive", which omits authority section data
when it isn't strictly necessary, but will still add additional data for
records in the answer section.

Evan Hunt -- e...@isc.org
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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