On Mon, Sep 12, 2022 at 12:27:25PM +0200, Borja Marcos wrote:

! I am not sure this is intended behavior, or maybe I should file a bug.
! I am doing some tests with dnstap and bind (9.18.6 now but I see the same 
behavior with older 9.18 versions). I am using
! dnstap-go.
! I have configured bind to use dnstap with no other options and using a Unix 
domain socket. (On named.conf, dnstap {all;};).
! If I start named but the dnstap collector is not running it will never try to 
connect. I need to start the dnstap program 
! _before_ starting named. 
! From the named.conf documentation I assumed that bind would retry the dnstap 
connection periodically. (fstrm-reopen-interval).

I don't know if intended or not, but when configuring dnstap I
noticed the same behaviour.

I tried at first to write to a file, but not by any means could I get
the file rotation to work. Then I considered writing to a file that is
a named pipe - but that would require the reading program to reopen
whenever named might be restarted. Finally I resorted to the socket,
and noticed that the reader program now must not be restarted while
named is running.
I can live with that.

(Probably slightly lower versions at the time of testing.)

FreeBSD 13.1-RELEASE-p2, w/ some patches, all ports locally built,
build logs available on request.
(Maybe FreeBSD 12.3 at the time of testing.)
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