Hi Mike.
No need to shoot. I missed your first message to the list.

Have you tried other popular open resolver services, to compare how they
each behave and see whether there are differences between them?
Or, since you have `dig` I'm guessing you probably also have BIND? If so,
have you tried using that?

Since you are unwilling to share a pcap I don't see what further help we
can be.
Good luck with Ubuntu and Cloudflare.


On Mon, 3 Oct 2022 at 21:55, Mike Hodson <myst...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Oct 3, 2022 at 2:24 PM Greg Choules <
> gregchoules+bindus...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Mike.
>> OK, let's try and do some practical things here.
>> Firstly, please share your /etc/resolv.conf
> nameserver
> as I said in my first message to the list.
>> Secondly, please have two windows on the go. In the first, run "tcpdump
>> -nvi all -w <filename> port 53". In the second, run your dig tests.
>> Then share your results. If you are reluctant to share *actually* what
>> happens it will, unfortunately, be very difficult to impossible to diagnose
>> exactly what's going on.
> I think this would be best left for Ubuntu's bug report, considering the
> new 9.18.7 source I found from ISC.org works properly, to completion, every
> time.
>> Does this help for starters?
> Ubuntu not shipping broken software would help more.
>> On Mon, 3 Oct 2022 at 21:08, Mike Hodson <myst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Oct 3, 2022 at 1:59 PM Ondřej Surý <ond...@isc.org> wrote:
>>>> > - If you are debugging an active issue with an externally published
>>>> domain, providing the full domain name allows others to query it in order
>>>> to help you. Omitting, changing, or obscuring the domain can make it harder
>>>> or impossible for others to help you.
>>>> Anonymizing your question to the public open source list actually
>>>> prevents people from helping you, and is disrespectful because you are
>>>> asking for help for free but unwilling to contribute back at least with
>>>> real data.
>>> I disagree. I believe it to be more disrespectful to demand that someone
>>> who cares about privacy, give the info that removes said privacy.
>>> I should have been very explicit in my question then:
>>> "Why does invoking dig multiple times return different results than
>>> expected"
>>> and the answer i got of:
>>>  'your version is buggy, get a proper version' seems to be the right
>>> answer to that.
>>> I'm still angry at ubuntu for pushing non-working software. I will take
>>> this up with them, if after I take the time to compile your current
>>> sources, I see significant improvement of my issue.
>>>> Also please tone down on the snarkiness. I get it that you might be
>>>> frustrated, but this mailing list is not a place to vent off your
>>>> frustration.
>>> I'm more frustrated by the answer to "stop obfuscating so we can help" ;
>>> I did not initially ask the question "why is my delegation not working" i
>>> asked "why is dig not working".
>>> Mike
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