I exec

     rndc dnssec -checkds -key 63917 published example.com IN external

with dnssec loglevel -> debug, on exec, in logs

  2022-10-21T16:55:22.690603-04:00 ns named[36683]: 21-Oct-2022 16:55:22.689 
dnssec: debug 1: keymgr: examine KSK example.com/ECDSAP256SHA256/63917 type DS 
in state RUMOURED
  2022-10-21T16:55:22.690608-04:00 ns named[36683]: 21-Oct-2022 16:55:22.689 
dnssec: debug 1: keymgr: can we transition KSK 
example.com/ECDSAP256SHA256/63917 type DS state RUMOURED to state OMNIPRESENT?
  2022-10-21T16:55:22.690615-04:00 ns named[36683]: 21-Oct-2022 16:55:22.689 
dnssec: debug 1: keymgr: dnssec evaluation of KSK 
example.com/ECDSAP256SHA256/63917 record DS: rule1=(~true or true) rule2=(~true 
or true) rule3=(~false or false)
  2022-10-21T16:55:22.690622-04:00 ns named[36683]: 21-Oct-2022 16:55:22.689 
dnssec: debug 1: keymgr: time says no to KSK example.com/ECDSAP256SHA256/63917 
type DS state RUMOURED to state OMNIPRESENT (wait 93600 seconds)

which certainly looks like a 'no'

reason is "time says no", after "dnssec evaluation".

which time is being evaluated here?
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