On 31.10.22 15:04, Nagesh Thati wrote:


gmail sucks very much when it comes to formatting plaintext portions of e-mail.
That makes mail hard to read.

I recommend you using different mail client, mozilla trhunderbird should be 

I am facing an issue with CNAME and PTR records resolution issues when
classless reverse zones are defined in the BIND 9.16.* version (Without
recursion), but it used to work in 9.11.* version (Without recursion).
Below example shows what reverse zones are created and how the dig output
is giving,

*zone "22.10.13.in-addr.arpa" IN {        type master;        file
"/var/named/zones/masters/db.22.10.13.in-addr.arpa";        check-names
ignore;        zone-statistics yes;};*

*zone "0-" IN {        type master;        file
check-names ignore;        zone-statistics yes;};*

as I say, sucks very much.

2.0-   1200            IN              PTR     
3G00051Phone.india.com.  1200 IN CNAME 2.0-

I am getting the answer as only CNAME, not getting the exact A record for
that IP address. This used to work in BIND 9.11.* version, recently I
upgraded to 9.16.* latest version and from that I am facing this issue.

But when I enable the recursion on BIND 9.16.* then I am getting the
expected answer as below,

Can someone help me why this behaviour is seen on BIND 9.16.* version.

perhaps there's an error in your zone 22.10.13.in-addr.arpa.
and named did not load it.

try executing "rndc reload" and see what named logs tell you

Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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- Elementary, Watkins.  -- Daffy Duck & Porky Pig
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