On 15/11/22 3:30, Mark Andrews wrote:

NOTIFY is a hint for the secondary to perform a SOA refresh query sooner than 
the SOA query triggered by REFRESH and RETRY.  Those queries are rate limited.  
Additionally multiple notify messages often coalesce
into one action as the server is waiting to send or is waiting for responses 
when they arrive.

I understand. I interpret your words as "even if you are getting fake notifies, the cost is quite small". That is nice.I am being possibly too paranoid.

While I don’t see the need, adding an 'allow-notify-explicit <bool>;’ could be 
added to ignore the primaries
list and only use the allow-notify acl.

Could you possibly send me an URL documenting 'allow-notify-explicit' clause?. I am not able to find anything relevant online. I don't ever see anything related in 9.16.34 source code:

jcea@jcea:/tmp/ram/bind-9.16.34$ find . -name "*.c" -exec grep -i "allow-notify-" {} \; -print


Jesús Cea Avión                         _/_/      _/_/_/        _/_/_/
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