Speaking of default CHAOS zones, I have another idea:

Do we need them after NSID was standardized?

There is a lot of special code just for built-in CH zones, and IIRC we have had at least one CVE which affected default config only because of default CH usage.

Anand, what would be missing if special magic for CH is removed and you are left with standard NSID?

Petr Špaček

On 14. 11. 22 17:39, Ondřej Surý wrote:
Hi Anand,

correct me if I am wrong, but the VERSION.SERVER doesn't seem to be anywhere
documented[1], and you are the first one to request it[2].

1. RFC 4892 only talks about ID.SERVER
2. Please create a GitLab issue for tracking

Ondřej Surý (He/Him)

My working hours and your working hours may be different. Please do not feel obligated to reply outside your normal working hours.

On 14. 11. 2022, at 17:33, Anand Buddhdev <ana...@ripe.net> wrote:

Hi folks (especially BIND developers),

Apologies if this has been discussed and answered before. I just noticed that BIND doesn't respond to CH/TXT/VERSION.SERVER queries. It only responds to ID.SERVER.

Other name servers, such as Knot DNS, NSD, Verisign's ATLAS name server, Quad9's and Cloudflare's public resolvers, respond to VERSION.SERVER queries.

So what's the reason for BIND not responding to VERSION.SERVER queries? It seems like an anomaly or oversight.


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