On 05. 12. 22 3:49, Fred Morris wrote:
If the UDP query returns TC=1 DiG retries with TCP. I want to see the UDP results and am unable to. Specifying +notcp makes no difference. The correct option is +ignore:

    # dig @ 'web_client\;*\;athena\;*.keys.redis.sophia.m3047' txt 
+notcp | tail
    web_client\;*\;athena\;*.keys.redis.sophia.m3047. 30 IN TXT 
    web_client\;*\;athena\;*.keys.redis.sophia.m3047. 30 IN TXT 
    web_client\;*\;athena\;*.keys.redis.sophia.m3047. 30 IN TXT 
    web_client\;*\;athena\;*.keys.redis.sophia.m3047. 30 IN TXT 

    ;; Query time: 9 msec
    ;; SERVER: (TCP)
    ;; WHEN: Sun Dec 04 18:42:19 PST 2022
    ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 7500

    # dig @ 'web_client\;*\;athena\;*.keys.redis.sophia.m3047' txt 
+ignore | tail
    web_client\;*\;athena\;*.keys.redis.sophia.m3047. 30 IN TXT 
    web_client\;*\;athena\;*.keys.redis.sophia.m3047. 30 IN TXT 
    web_client\;*\;athena\;*.keys.redis.sophia.m3047. 30 IN TXT 
    web_client\;*\;athena\;*.keys.redis.sophia.m3047. 30 IN TXT 

    ;; Query time: 16 msec
    ;; SERVER: (UDP)
    ;; WHEN: Sun Dec 04 18:42:26 PST 2022
    ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 1193

The "tell" is that on the footer SERVER line it reports the protocol. Note that in the first case it's TCP, even though +notcp was specified. (The MSG SIZE is also a clue.)

Searching the intertubes wasn't much help. When I tried to search the list archives I got a Gateway Timeout. :-( Anyway, it's been a minor personal annoyance for a while; hopefully this helps somebody else with a problem they didn't know they had.

If you have a specific proposal for docs we would be happy to improve the dig man page.

Petr Špaček

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