
I changed one of my domains over to dnssec-policy today (in a “nuclear” 
fashion) - but everything went surprisingly well.  Previous to this, I had 
lowered all my TTLs to hopefully help with this process or any errors/mistakes 
I might make.

I then went to put the TTLs back to their normal higher value.  What I wasn’t 
aware of - is the now discrepancy between the RR TTL and RRSIG TTL.  DNZviz 
validates all the way down just fine - but I get errors on my top level common 
RR’s due to this mismatch.

I assume over time as BIND resigns nodes, these will all get in sync ?

In the meantime - is there any way to “force” BIND to resign everything ?  I’m 
not seeing an rndc command that looks to do this.  Looks like all the dnssec 
policy commands are under “rndc dnssec <option>”.  The other commands are 
obviously for the “old” way of signing.

So is there a way to do this ?  Or do I just need to wait ?

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