Hi Team,

we have following configuration in my named.conf
where i named process on primary DNS is listening on port 15010.
whereas secondary DNS is running on port 53.
All Notification to secondary DNS is forwarded on destination port 53 from
primary DNS.

Now when i add tag port 15010 in options clause on primary DNS, then i see
some notification message being forwarded to secondary DNS to dest port
15010. these messages are in addition to notification to secondary DNS with
dest port 53.
changing port value form 15010 to 20598 sends notification to secondary
DSN on dest port 20598 in addition to notification to secondary on port 53.

i have a firewall on secondary DNS which is rejecting all packets on port
i see that all my data is populated on secondary DNS without any problem
due to notifications to secondary DNS on port 53.

query is why named is sending notification to secondary DNS on port
15010/20598 when regular notification is also going to secondary DNS on
port 53.

acl theAllServers {

options {
         directory "/var/opt/named";
         pid-file "/var/opt/run/named.pid";
         allow-transfer { theAllServers; };
         allow-query { any; };
         zone-statistics no;
         notify yes;
         max-cache-size 14297m;
         max-journal-size 1048576;
         port 15010;                                       #=> used 20598
as well instead of 15010;
         listen-on port 15010 {; };
         also-notify {
        port 53;
        port 53;

Best Regards,
Vikas Sharma
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