- Why *must* you forward everything to Akamai?

I am forced to "forward only;" to Akamai for all external queries. It hasn't always been this way, but the decision was made "above my pay grade", and it is not open to negotiation.

- Was that a real example of a daft query: type A?

" is, indeed, a query I found in my log.

what's the issue with returning SERVFAIL?

On my validating "recursive" servers, "SERVFAIL" is the response from _my_ server. That is the result of Akamai saying "Here's your answer!" and my server going through the work of trying to validate it (and failing).

On my non-validating "recursive" servers, I send back the answer Akamai sends me:

;; ANSWER SECTION:            10      IN      A

I think SERVFAIL is the correct answer for all of these queries. I do not want to encourage any customers in thinking they can get an address back from me by asking for the address of an address.

- Do Akamai have any knobs you can tweak

{chuckle} I'm not allowed in the control room. And Akamai's response to my question was quoted in my original message. From their perspective, this behavior is a feature, not a defect. I don't expect them to let their customer disable their "features". If I want to change this behavior, I'm going to have to do it within my sphere of influence.

Off-list, it was suggested to me that I _could_ handle this in my RPZ, by enumerating all 255 illegal TLDs (e.g. *.10  CNAME . )

I tried this, and it works as expected when dnssec validation is disabled (either globally, or with "validate-except". My idea right now is I can enumerate TLD of the numerics I see in my logs, and ignore the rest. I think this will get me what I want, at a level of complexity I can accept.

Do things because you should, not just because you can.

John Thurston    907-465-8591
Department of Administration
State of Alaska

On 1/24/2023 10:26 PM, Greg Choules wrote:
- Why *must* you forward everything to Akamai?
- Was that a real example of a daft query: type A? If not, do you have some real examples of queries being made to your servers please? - Notwithstanding the nature of these illegal queries, if they *are* illegal (or misguided, or errors, or malicious, or whatever - anything but valid), what's the issue with returning SERVFAIL? GIGO Or does that then prejudice genuine queries, for some reason?
- Are you *only* forwarding to Akamai?
- Do you have "forward only;" or "forward first;"?
- Do Akamai have any knobs you can tweak (I believe they have a customer web portal for viewing/changing settings?) that would make them behave like an RFC compliant DNS server?
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