On Thu, Jan 26, 2023 at 07:03:37PM +0100, Havard Eidnes via bind-users wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently made an upgrade of BIND to version 9.18.11 on our
> resolver cluster, following the recent announcement.  Shortly
> thereafter I received reports that the validation that lookups of
> "known entries" in our quite small RPZ feed (it's around 1MB
> on-disk) no longer succeeds as expected, but instead take a long
> time, finally gives SRVFAIL to the client, and associated with
> this we get this log message:
> Jan 26 18:41:27 xxx-res named[6179]: shut down hung fetch while resolving 
> 'known-rpz-entry.no/A'

This usually means there's a circular dependency somewhere in the
resolution or validation process. For example, we can't resolve a name
without looking up the address of a name server, but that lookup can't
succeed until the original name is resolved. The two lookups will wait on
each other for ten seconds, and then the whole query times out and issues
that log message.

The log message is new in 9.18, but the 10-second delay and SERVFAIL
response would probably have happened in earlier releases as well.

Evan Hunt -- e...@isc.org
Internet Systems Consortium, Inc.
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