
I have a local caching resolver running bind 9.16.30
on NetBSD/amd64 9.3.

I'm currently hitting it on localhost with
approximately 200 qps, and it reliably gets killed
after approximately 3 hours with "out of swap"
messages in dmesg.

The system in question is a Xen VPS with 6 GB RAM and
256 MB swap.

This seems similar to the issue reported here:

was listed as a possibly mitigating commit.)

No matter how much swap I add, it eventually runs out,
so this seems to me to suggest a leak somewhere.

The relevant information about the system and version
is below, but I was wondering what troubleshooting
suggestions you might have.

$ /usr/pkg/sbin/named -V     
BIND 9.16.30 (Extended Support Version) <id:61fdb40>
running on NetBSD amd64 9.3 NetBSD 9.3
built by make with '--with-lmdb=no'
'--with-blacklist=yes' '--with-blocklist=no'
'--disable-native-pkcs11' '--without-libxml2'
'--without-libjson' '--with-readline' '--with-libtool'
'--sysconfdir=/usr/pkg/etc' '--localstatedir=/var'
'--with-openssl=/usr/pkg' '--with-python=no'
'--prefix=/usr/pkg' '--build=x86_64--netbsd'
'--host=x86_64--netbsd' '--mandir=/usr/pkg/man'
'host_alias=x86_64--netbsd' 'CC=gcc' 'CFLAGS=-O2 -fPIC
-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=2 -pthread -I/usr/include
-I/usr/include/readline -I/usr/pkg/include'
'LDFLAGS=-Wl,-zrelro -pthread -L/usr/lib
-Wl,-R/usr/lib -L/usr/pkg/lib -Wl,-R/usr/pkg/lib'
'LIBS=' 'CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/include
-I/usr/include/readline -I/usr/pkg/include'
compiled by GCC 5.5.0
compiled with OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.1q  5 Jul 2022
linked to OpenSSL version: OpenSSL 1.1.1q  5 Jul 2022
compiled with libuv version: 1.44.1
linked to libuv version: 1.44.1
compiled with zlib version: 1.2.10
linked to zlib version: 1.2.10
threads support is enabled

default paths:
  named configuration:  /usr/pkg/etc/named.conf
  rndc configuration:   /usr/pkg/etc/rndc.conf
  DNSSEC root key:      /usr/pkg/etc/bind.keys
  nsupdate session key: /var/run/named/session.key
  named PID file:       /var/run/named/named.pid
  named lock file:      /var/run/named/named.lock

$ sudo rndc status
version: BIND 9.16.30 (Extended Support Version) <id:61fdb40>
running on panix.netmeister.org: NetBSD amd64 9.3 NetBSD 9.3
boot time: Sat, 11 Feb 2023 23:32:33 GMT
last configured: Sat, 11 Feb 2023 23:32:34 GMT
configuration file: /usr/pkg/etc/named.conf
CPUs found: 1
worker threads: 1
UDP listeners per interface: 1
number of zones: 127 (97 automatic)
debug level: 0
xfers running: 0
xfers deferred: 0
soa queries in progress: 0
query logging is ON
recursive clients: 138/9900/10000
tcp clients: 0/150
TCP high-water: 1
server is up and running

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