Le 17/04/2023 à 20:40, Petr Menšík a écrit :

it would be awesome if we could choose a higher quality release instead to use for our longer support. But we lack any good metric to choose one. So we update from time to time unless there is something stopping us.


How could you elaborate or argument later after such a statement ?
It simply prove (and the rest of your answer confirm it) that you did not event take the time to read the ISC release numbering/policy or if you need "facts" the release notes of the 9.16 release(*) series and/or that you never operate "real" production grade Bind server.
Don't take the "you" for yourself. As the email used, you represent RH here.

The truth is that there is a market for RH like release policy choices. You work for this business. Perfect. 98% of your clients choose this release model for wrong, non technical reasons: that a/my personal strong opinion based on my latest 25 years of professional experience. So don't ask people to stop asking to install latest ISC release on one of the still supported branch to get free technical support. All people on this list get no direct revenues for helping others, even ISC employee. Otherwise, the only fair answer that we could give to the people asking for help on RH or derivative distribution would be: ask your distributor support. I even was one time in this position, with a payed RH support contract with lots of zero at the end. The answer was go away or if your problem is really solved by a new release (and do the analyses yourself) , pay for a custom package.

[*]On the 9.16 release front, a lots of critical operational fixes where made on the fully automated signing process since your latest point release.

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