
I am sorry if this is a FAQ. I haven't been able to find the answer.

I used to have bind9 running on a server with both IPv4 and IPv6. This server has failed unfortunately, and I am setting up replacement using the last backup of the failed server. The new server happens to have IPv4 address only, unfortunately. Both the old and the new server are running Ubuntu 22 if that matters.

I copied /etc/bind directory from the backup to the new server.

Authoritative zones work fine. It also transfers successfully to the slaves when I make changes in the zones.

However, I can't get the recursion to work. I originally had a lot of "network unreachable" with IPv6 addresses. So I figured I should start bind with -4 option. Now, I no longer have the "network unreachable" errors in the log, but it is still unable to recurse.

For example:

dig www.google.com @

;; communications error to timed out
;; communications error to timed out

; <<>> DiG 9.18.12-0ubuntu0.22.04.2-Ubuntu <<>> www.google.com @
;; global options: +cmd
;; Got answer:
;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: SERVFAIL, id: 35198
;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 0, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 1

; EDNS: version: 0, flags:; udp: 1232
; COOKIE: a497120ee47312be0100000064dfccb2ba16350e188a7bc4 (good)
;www.google.com.            IN    A

;; Query time: 1988 msec
;; WHEN: Fri Aug 18 19:55:30 UTC 2023
;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 71

And in the log file:

Aug 18 19:55:23 vpsl named[3183]: client @0x7f8a4c0152f8 (www.google.com): query: www.google.com IN A +E(0)K ( Aug 18 19:55:28 vpsl named[3183]: resolver priming query complete: timed out Aug 18 19:55:28 vpsl named[3183]: client @0x7f8a5420b6f8 (www.google.com): query: www.google.com IN A +E(0)K ( Aug 18 19:55:30 vpsl named[3183]: shut down hung fetch while resolving 'www.google.com/A' Aug 18 19:55:30 vpsl named[3183]: client @0x7f8a54213b58 (www.google.com): query failed (operation canceled) for www.google.com/IN/A at query.c:7794 Aug 18 19:55:30 vpsl named[3183]: client @0x7f8a5420b6f8 (www.google.com): query failed (operation canceled) for www.google.com/IN/A at query.c:7794 Aug 18 19:55:30 vpsl named[3183]: client @0x7f8a4c0152f8 (www.google.com): query failed (operation canceled) for www.google.com/IN/A at query.c:7794 Aug 18 19:55:38 vpsl named[3183]: resolver priming query complete: timed out

It feels like there are some root server addresses with IPv6 address that it can't use, but I have no clue where these addresses are and how to replace them with their IPv4 counterparts.

Thanks for any clue,


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