Hi John.
Can you tell me a bit more please?
- What zones exist in both BIND and MS DNS for something.10.in-addr.arpa?
- Where are hosts auto registering to? I'd guess MS, but it would be good
to confirm.
- What does fragmentation look like? A few real examples would be useful.
I'm trying to understand just what is the problem.
- How much of 10 do you use?
- What do you mean by "...can be published from two different DNS
services."? Could you expand on that please?
- Is there any zone transfer between BIND and MS DNS?

Thanks, Greg

On Fri, 15 Sept 2023 at 21:00, John Thurston <john.thurs...@alaska.gov>

> This question involves making our BIND system work with Microsoft's DNS
> software. If this makes it off-topic, let me know and I'll be quiet about
> it.
> We use ISC BIND to hold and host most of our zone data. Internally, we
> have delegated some zones, and they are held in Microsoft DNS. These zones
> are used for MS Active Directory 'Domains', and accept auto-registration of
> DNS records from authorized hosts. Because we are using 10-dot addresses
> internally, the auto-registration by hosts causes fragmentation of the
> 10.in-addr.arpa zone data.
> I recall someone once offered a bit of code to mash this zone data back
> together, so the same information can be published from two different DNS
> services. I've hunted through this list's archive and have not found the
> reference. Before I go roll my own, can anyone point me at an existing
> solution?
> --
> --
> Do things because you should, not just because you can.
> John Thurston    907-465-8591john.thurs...@alaska.gov
> Department of Administration
> State of Alaska
> --
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