Have you looked at mirror zones for root?

Zone type "mirror" = it's appropriate for "." but not for other zones.

(Oh - and don't forget to disable ixfr for this zone when you do that - it's more efficient for the validation step)

Details in the BIND ARM.


On 19/11/2023 21:10, Elmar K. Bins wrote:
Good evening,

my freshly recrafted DNS servers got the latest BIND 9.18 pkg from FreeBSD.
They're all supposed to only respond for a certain set of zones to the outside,
but should be able to be used as a resolver from localhost.

The pkg comes with a default config that slaves "." and its cousins instead
of pushing a static hints file. I like this.

Unfortunately, the config just has them as slave zones, without a "hint"
marking. Anybody can query the box for them. I don't like this.

I've put the appropriate "allow-query { localhost; };" into every friggin'
zone entryto every friggin' zone entry. I REALLY don't like this.

I'm wondering whether there's a more elegant way. Like "secondary-hint" zones.
Have I overlooked something?

Thanks for any pointers,

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