On 4/21/2024 10:05 PM, Mark Andrews wrote:
On 19 Apr 2024, at 16:12, Crist Clark <cjc+bind-us...@pumpky.net> wrote:
First, yes, I know. Their DNS is broken. They should fix their DNS. We 
shouldn't need to make QNAME-minimization work around broken DNS.

Name and shame a domain name in question,


The problem I see: akamai.csd.disa.mil is a delegated zone. All four name 
servers for the zone are in the zone. All four of the addresses in the parent's 
glue are unresponsive. It's actually the same for 
d.akamaiedge.akamai.csd.disa.mil too.

That is breaking resolution for BIND 9.18 servers with default qname-minimization. If 
qname-minimization is set "off", it works. That's because the disa.mil NSes 
will respond with the answer for that full name. We never go farther up the name to try 
to find the non-responsive NS servers.

(And yes, the DNS "authoritative" servers here are questionable too. The TTLs 
look like they are caching answers, but all of the responses have AA set.)

Does that assessment look correct? I know BIND defaults to "relaxed" QNAME 
minimization. It works around certain cases of brokeness. I guess this is not one of 
them? Should it be? It's a case where things work without minimization. The brokeness is 
hidden for non-minimizing resolvers.

Again, yeah, they are broken. They should fix it, but it broke someone's Very Important 
Work at our shop. And it used to work and it works from home and for other customers so 
it must be our DNS that's broken. So we end up setting "qname-minimization off" 
globally despite the fact they are really the broken ones. We'd rather keep minimization 
on, but it's the only reasonable work around we could find.
Just use a forward zone in forward only mode.  When the parent servers give you 
non working nameservers for child zones there isn’t a sensible automatic 

zone disa.mil {
         type forward;
         forward only;
         forwarders {;;; };

Can such forward-zones be defined in catalog-zones?

Do things because you should, not just because you can.

John Thurston    907-465-8591
Department of Administration
State of Alaska
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