My bad - I'd mailed this mistakenly to an individual and not the list.


I am currently running BIND 9.18.18-0ubuntu0.22.04.2-Ubuntu.

I am sometimes seeing that I don't have resolution for some FQDN in forwarder 

Usually it works, sometimes I don't get resolution. Interesting I failed 
resolution for an FQDN yesterday and while relieved to see that I failed to get 
resolution on the authoritative server I later was able to resolve on the 
authoritative server but still failed on the local forwarding server.

Wondering what is going on there.

Conjecture - caching the failed response for some period of time?
If so, disable caching for the problematic forwarder zone?

Some other issue? If so what might it be, how can I test for it and how do I 
resolve/work-around it?

Thanks in advance,

Brian R Cuttler
System and Network Administrator
Wadsworth Center, New York State Department of Health
Empire State Plaza
Corning Tower, Sublevel D-280, Albany NY 12237
518 486-1697 (O)
518 redacted (C)

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