The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Volume: 124
Issue: 2 Aug. 2008

Simultaneous production of low- and high-frequency sounds by neonatal finless 
Songhai Li, Kexiong Wang, Ding Wang, Shouyue Dong, and Tomonari Akamatsu
pp. 716-718

Sound transmission at ground level in a short-grass prairie habitat and its 
implications for long-range communication in the swift fox Vulpes velox
Safi K. Darden, Simon B. Pedersen, Ole N. Larsen, and Torben Dabelsteen
pp. 758-766

Classification of live, untethered zooplankton from observations of 
multiple-angle acoustic scatter
Paul L. D. Roberts and Jules S. Jaffe
pp. 796-802

Spectrogram denoising and automated extraction of the fundamental frequency 
variation of dolphin whistles
Asitha Mallawaarachchi, S. H. Ong, Mandar Chitre, and Elizabeth Taylor
pp. 1159-1170

Courtship and agonistic sounds by the cichlid fish Pseudotropheus zebra
J. Miguel Simoes, Ines G. Duarte, Paulo J. Fonseca, George F. Turner, and M. 
Clara Amorim
pp. 1332-1338

Low frequency vocalizations attributed to sei whales (Balaenoptera borealis)
Mark F. Baumgartner, Sofie M. Van Parijs, Frederick W. Wenzel, Christopher J. 
Tremblay, H. Carter Esch, and Ann M. Warde
pp. 1339-1349

Temporal scales of auditory objects underlying birdsong vocal recognition
Timothy Q. Gentner
pp. 1350-1359

The inner ears of Northern Canadian freshwater fishes following exposure to 
seismic air gun sounds
Jiakun Song, David A. Mann, Peter A. Cott, Bruce W. Hanna, and Arthur N. Popper
pp. 1360-1366

Harbor porpoise clicks do not have conditionally minimum time bandwidth product
Kristian Beedholm
pp. EL15-EL20

Adaptive echolocation sounds of insectivorous bats, Pipistrellus abramus, 
during foraging flights in the field
Shizuko Hiryu, Tomotaka Hagino, Emyo Fujioka, Hiroshi Riquimaroux, and Yoshiaki 
pp. EL51-EL56

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