Marine Mammal Science
© 2011 Society for Marine Mammalogy
Volume 27, Issue 2 Page 255 - E133


Call sharing across vocal clans of killer whales: Evidence for vocal imitation? (pages E1–E13). Brigitte M. Weiß, Helena Symonds, Paul Spong and Friedrich Ladich

Responses of Kamchatkan fish-eating killer whales to playbacks of conspecific calls (pages E26–E42). Olga A. Filatova, Ivan D. Fedutin, Alexander M. Burdin and Erich Hoyt

A combined visual and acoustic estimate of 2008 abundance, and change in abundance since 1997, for the vaquita, Phocoena sinus (pages E79–E100). Tim Gerrodette, Barbara L. Taylor, René Swift, Shannon Rankin, Armando M. Jaramillo-Legorreta and Lorenzo Rojas-Bracho
Jason Gedamke, PhD
NOAA Ocean Acoustics Program Manager
Office of Science & Technology
National Marine Fisheries Service
1315 East-West Hwy, Room 12523
Silver Spring, MD 20910

phone: 301 713 2363 x120
fax: 301 713 1875

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