Dear colleagues,

I'd like to draw your attention to a pair of recent papers published by our
group at Fondazione Edmund Mach in the context of our research on mating
disruption of leafhoppers using vibrational disturbance noise. Both are
open access.

Polajnar et al. (2014). The process of pair formation mediated by
substrate-borne vibrations in a small insect. Behavioural processes 107:
68-78. <>


The ability to identify and locate conspecifics depends on reliable
transfer of information between emitter and receiver. For a majority of
plant-dwelling insects communicating with substrate-borne vibrations,
localization of a potential partner may be a difficult task due to their
small body size and complex transmission properties of plants. In the
present study, we used the leafhopper Scaphoideus titanus as a model to
investigate duetting and mate searching associated with pair formation.
Studying these insects on a natural substrate, we showed that the
spatio-temporal structure of a vibrational duet and the perceived intensity
of partner's signals influence the mating behaviour. Identification,
localization and courtship stages were each characterized by a specific
duet structure. In particular, the duet structure differed in
synchronization between male and female pulses, which enables
identification of the partner, while the switch between behavioural stages
was associated with the male-perceived intensity of vibrational signals.
This suggests that males obtain the information about their distance from
the female and optimize their strategy accordingly. More broadly, our
results show that even in insects smaller than 1 cm, vibrational signals
provide reliable information needed to find a mating partner.


Polajnar et al. (2014). Manipulating behaviour with substrateā€borne
vibrationsā€“potential for insect pest control. Pest Management Science (in
press). <>


This review presents an overview of the potential use of substrate-borne
vibrations for the purpose of achieving insect pest control in the context
of integrated pest management. Although the importance of mechanical
vibrations in the life of insects has been fairly well established, the
effect of substrate-borne vibrations has historically been understudied, in
contrast to sound sensu stricto. Consequently, the idea of using
substrate-borne vibrations for pest control is still in its infancy. This
review therefore focuses on the theoretical background, using it to
highlight potential applications in a field environment, and lists the few
preliminary studies that have been or are being performed. Conceptual
similarities to the use of sound, as well as limitations inherent in this
approach, are also noted.


More broadly speaking, a new book on the topic of vibrational communication
has recently been published by Springer, titled "Studying Vibrational
Communication" (ed. by Cocroft et al.), in which my current group and my
former one at the National Institute of Biology have several chapters (plus
of course there are many more interesting chapters by other researchers
involved in vibrational communication). You can look at it at <>



Jernej Polajnar, postdoc researcher
Chemical Ecology group, Sustainable Agro-Ecosystems and Bioresources
Fondazione Edmund Mach
Via E. Mach 1, IT-38010 San Michele all'Adige (TN), Italy
Tel. ++39 0461 615 509, fax ++39 0461 615 500, Skype: JPolajnar

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