Dear all:

We are happy to announce that the website to the  “XXV International 
Bioacoustic Conference IBAC 2015 - Murnau, Bavaria, Germany’ is open – see

The objective of the IBAC meeting is to promote international participation 
throughout the entire field of bioacoustical activity. The subject of 
bioacoustics is principally a marriage between the fields of biology and 
physical acoustics. Given its multidisciplinary nature, IBAC aims to bring 
together biologists from different specialisms (ecologists, ethologists, 
physiologists, taxonomists, etc) with engineers, sound archivists and amateur 
sound recordists, to foster discussion and exchange of ideas.

September is still the high season for tourism in Murnau, so we encourage you 
to make your reservation as soon as possible !

Looking forward to seeing you at the beautiful Bavaria in September 2015.

The organization team IBAC 2015

Nicole Hoiss
Assistant to the Director
Prof. Dr. Manfred Gahr
Max Planck Institute for Ornithology
Behavioural Neurobiology
Eberhard-Gwinner-Str. / Bldg. 6a
82319 Seewiesen
Tel.: +49 8157 932 240
Fax: +49 8157 932 260

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