Dear colleague,
I am writingto you in my role of convenor of a joint IAPSO-IASPEI 
Symposium,namely, JP6 on: "Acoustical Oceanography", held at the 26th 
IUGGGeneral Assembly 2015, Prague, Czech Republic, June 22-July 2, 2015.  
( youplanning to attend this assembly?We 
willpleased with your participation in the JP6 Symposium whose brief 
descriptionyou will find below. Please, submit your abstract before 31 
January.We wouldgreatly appreciate if you re-send this information to 
colleagues potentiallyinterested in these topics.Best regards, 
SilviaBlancMember of IAPSO Executive CommitteeUnderwater Sound Division 
-Head-Argentinian Navy Research Office (DIIV)UNIDEF (National Council of 
Scientific andTechnical Research - Ministry of 
Defense).Laprida201.(1638)Vicente López.Buenos Aires. Argentina.   
************************************************JP6 Acoustical Oceanography 
Silvia Blanc, BuenosAires, Argentina (IAPSO)Co-conveners: JohannesSchweitzer, 
Oslo, Norway (IASPEI)DescriptionThissymposium encourages oceanographers, 
acousticians and seismologists to presentcontributions with new results of 
research on topics related to acousticaloceanography in the broadest sense. 
Hydroacoustic waves are remarkable means ofexploring ocean properties due to 
their ability to travel over long distancesin the water with relatively low 
loss in energy, particularly within the SOFARchannel. They may be recorded with 
underwater sensors or as seismic waves onland following conversion at the 
shoreline. Organizers encourage the submissionof abstracts covering all major 
topics on hydroacoustics, including: underwatersound propagation - measurements 
and modelling-; investigation of T-waves tounderstand submarine earthquake 
processes, to locate these earthquakes and tounderstand different oceanic 
processes such as internal waves and ice floes andicebergs; acoustic signal 
processing; fisheries acoustics; updated-measurementtechniques; remote sensing 
applications; target modelling; volume reverberation;simulated, laboratory and 
at-sea experiments to evaluate acoustic parameters;geoacoustics and sediment 
characterization. The symposium will provide anexcellent opportunity for 
students and young researchers as well as experiencedones to increase 
communication among scientists coming from differentdisciplines, enabling the 
exchange of relevant 



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