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2nd call - 10th Adv. Multimodal Information Retrieval school / workshop


21 & 22 April 2015

Toulon, Provence, France

ERMITES brings together leading researchers to gain deeper insight
into current research trends in scaled bioacoustic information
retrieval, in series of long talks, during which attendees are invited
to interact. The target audience ranges from graduates / PhDs,
post-doctorals, to academic or industrial researchers. Participant can
present research (poster or oral), to be published in the proceedings.
Participants is limited to 50 persons (first come first served

Program :

A) Methods

* P. Flandrin, Research Director, Académie des Sciences, ENS de Lyon
'A time-frequency perspective on biosonar signals'

* V. Lostanlen, Dpt. of Computer Science, ENS de Paris
'Multivariate scattering for bioacoustic similarity retrieval '

* H. Glotin, Pr. Univ. Toulon, Inst. Univ France (IUF), with J. Razik & S. Paris
'Methods for communicative sounds mining: large scale bird & whale
songs classification'

* A. Joly, Researcher, INRIA Montpellier
'Towards multimodal environmental data indexing (crowd-sourced
audiovisual contents in LifeCLEF)'

B) Research on the field / industrial applications

* G. Pavan, Pr. Univ. of Pavia
'Long term bioacoustic and ecological analysis of marine & terrestrial
soundscapes joint to noise monitoring'

* C. Gervaise, Researcher, GIPSA Lab, Grenoble
'Biophonics and 3D transect for the classification of marine biotopes'

* D. Mauuary PhD, PDG Cyberio SA
'Real-time tracking of chiroptera and Crowdsourcing : My City my Bats Project'

* G. Pavan, H. Glotin, D. Mauuary, C. Gervaise
'From individual sounds to soundscape analysis. Demonstration of
hardware and software tools'

ERMITES15 focuses on bioacoustic pattern detection & classification,
at low signal to noise ratio and large scale. The objectives are (a)
to make the signal representation more robust, (b) to develop more
efficient classification of the complex bioacoustic patterns (CNN...),
(c) to collect and manage Big Bioacoustic Data to better model the

Illustrations of the methods are given from cetaceans to birds songs,
bats to dolphins... Biodiversity analysis and environmental care
projects are direct outcomes of these researches. A special session
presents software and hardware demonstrations under monitoring

Important Dates :
Final registration (payment) until 20th March
If you aim to submit a paper : abstract before 15th March, final paper
due to 5th April

Registration fees are only 80 euros per person, including 2 meals,
coffee breaks, and proceedings (additional 20 euros for the gala

Access :
ERMITES is accommodated by Univ. Toulon easy to reach by TGV or plane
(nearby airports: Hyères-Toulon, Marseilles, Nice).

Prog. Co.: H. Glotin (pres.), P. Flandrin, A. Joly, G.Pavan, C.
Gervaise, D. Mauuary
Org.  Co.: L. Alecu (pres.), J. Razik, R. Balestriero, H. Glotin

ERMITES is supported by UTLN and SABIOD MASTODONS CNRS project

Contact :

Herve'   Glotin,   Pr.
Institut Univ. de France (IUF) & Univ. Toulon (UTLN)
Head of information DYNamics & Integration (DYNI @ UMR CNRS LSIS)

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