The Bioacoustics Research Program at the Cornell Lab of Ornithology, Ithaca, 
New York, USA will be running a 5-day Sound Analysis Workshop between March 
30th and April 3rd, 2015. The maximum number of participants is 11 and we have 
one seat available due to a cancellation. For information on the workshop, see (the details are on the pdf, see link 
at the bottom of the website).

This will be the 20th session we have run, and nearly 200 people have attended 
from around the world. There are no eligibility criteria, but we do ask 
interested people to fill in a survey form before we accept them to check that 
the workshop will meet their needs. The fee is $1400 for a non-student and 
$1050 for a  registered student. If you’re interested, please contact Liz 
Rowland,<>. First come, first served!

Russ Charif  Cornell Lab of Ornithology
Bioacoustics Research Program          159 Sapsucker Woods Rd.<>           Ithaca, NY  14850
607-254-2458  USA

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