*** Space still available! ***

The Cornell Lab of Ornithology is offerring back-to-back workshops on the 
recording and analysis of natural sounds in June 2015 at San Francisco State 
University’s Sierra Nevada Field Campus in the Tahoe National Forest near 
Sattley, CA (http://macaulaylibrary.org/workshops). The station, at 6,000 feet 
elevation amid Ponderosa and Jeffrey pines, affords a wide range of recording 
opportunities and challenges in spectacular surroundings. The Natural Sound 
Recording Workshop will be held 6–13 June; the Sound Analysis Workshop will be 
held 13–15 June. Participants can sign up for either workshop separately or 
both together.


Learn state-of-the-art techniques for recording and analyzing the sounds of 
wildlife with experts from the Cornell Lab of Ornithology's Macaulay Library. 
The week-long workshop, designed to take you from novice to capable field 
recordist, covers the selection and application of audio recorders and 
microphones, recording theory, metering, recording techniques, and 
documentation for sound recordings. The course includes daily field recording 
sessions and lectures/discussions. The recording course includes a basic 
introduction to visualizing sounds and making simple measurements with Raven 
Pro software.

Your instructors will be Greg Budney, of the Macaulay Library, Bill McQuay of 
the Lab's Multimedia Program,  Karl Fitzke, audio engineer with the Macaulay 
Library, and Randolph Little, a Laboratory Associate with extensive recording 


The Sound Analysis Workshop will delve deeper into topics such as the 
conceptual foundations of spectrogram analysis (no math required!), optimizing 
spectrogram parameters, robust measurements, automated signal detection, 
quantitative comparison of spectrograms, and advanced tips and tricks to make 
working with Raven Pro easier and more efficient. Sessions will include 
lectures, demos, and hands-on exercises using the participants’ own recordings.

Your instructor will be Russ Charif, of the Lab’s Bioacoustics Research 
Program, assisted by Cedar Mathers-Winn.


The workshop fee is $1095 (includes tuition, class materials, ground 
transportation from/to Reno airport, food, and lodging). Enrollment is 
primarily based on a first-come first-served basis, with first consideration to 
students and researchers. Participation is limited to 20.


The workshop fee of $500 includes tuition, a 1-year student license for Raven 
Pro (renewable as long as you are a student), class materials, ground 
transportation from and to the Reno airport, food, and lodging.


Kelly Lee Smith <kl...@cornell.edu<mailto:kl...@cornell.edu>> or telephone, 

A $100 deposit is required upon initial registration to reserve your place at 
the workshop.  Payments are accepted in the form of check or credit card.

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